Dental Extractions

If a tooth must be removed, Dr. Payne is trained in the latest minimally invasive techniques to preserve maximal supporting bone. There is less trauma and less post-operative discomfort. He has taken courses from a bioengineer in tooth removal with respect to the root and supporting bone anatomy. This allows the tooth to be removed vertically in the ideal direction following the shape or curvature of the root. Without horizontal motion, the walls of the bone surrounding the tooth are not damaged. This in combination with the atraumatic piezosurgery instrument, the connective tissue fibers holding the tooth root to the bone are carefully removed, decreasing the force required for tooth removal.
When wisdom teeth (3rd molars) are impacted in the lower jaw and are close to or in the Inferior Alveolar Canal (which carries the nerves to the teeth, chin, and lip), Dr. Payne removes the coronal (crown and adjacent root) portion of the tooth leaving the root tip. This is called Coronectomy. He has been doing this for thirty years without a problem. Thus avoiding damage to the inferior alveolar nerve with resulting temporary or permanent numbness and pain of the lower lip and/or chin.


Call us at (401) 273-6161 or schedule an appointment with our experienced dentist at our dental office in Providence, RI. We'll be happy to guide you further.